Check out the link for my vege growing magic.
Tēnā Koutou, welcome to our class blog. We are a Year 5 and 6 learning class at our Dobson school site near Greymouth, New Zealand. Whaea Grace is our teacher.
Saturday, 16 September 2017
Little Gardens
In Ruma Rima we are a competitive bunch, who love to challenge each other. We are stoked to have New World Little Gardens back and the challenge is on to see who can make theirs grow the best. I am no exception to this and thought I should show how well mine have started!
Thursday, 14 September 2017
Whats been happening in Ruma Rima
Our term is flying by, I am too scared to blink in case I miss anything! We in Ruma Rima have been learning about Space, playing hockey, painting murals and today the Yr 5/6 students were trying out their balancing skills on the slackline. The students found the slackline the ultimate challenge, focusing on being centred as they moved along the line. There were some very good Elvis Presley leg impersonations going on too! Will post images on murals when I take some photos.
Monday, 28 August 2017
Podcast ideas
Want to listen to a podcast but not sure where to find one? Try one of these podcasts. Let us know in the comments below what you thought. Unfortunately on the picture below you are not able to click on the pictures to get to the blog, therefore follow this link which will take you to the google drawing which you can click on the pictures. Enjoy:
Sunday, 20 August 2017
Washing your hair is Space
This term we are learning about Space: Our Solar System. Our blogs are going to get very Space-ifed as we challenge our theories and knowledge. Imagine washing your hair with water which will then become your drinking water... Could we do this on Earth? Would love to hear your thoughts. Comment below.
Ski trip, Pororairi Walk with Tai Poutini Leadership students
Almost Week Five and no fresh updates on the adventures and learnings from Ruma Rima! We have had such an exciting beginning to our term. Lets let the pictures speak for themselves.
Ski trip to Porters Heights Ski Field
Pororairi walk to Punikaiki. Weather couldn't hold us back!
Thursday, 6 July 2017
Zara's biography
The last 2 weeks we have been working on our biographies in writing. We have learnt that 3 sentences at least for one paragraph, we have learnt how to wrap up our writing with conclusion, I found writing and researching about my singer.
Here is a link to my video .Check out my video and please comment below . By Zara
Here is a link to my video .Check out my video and please comment below . By Zara
My Biography video
Over the term in Ruma Rima we have been learning to write biographies. A biography is a information report about a person and their life. First we had to plan and research. We learnt to use keywords to find information. I found writing and researching about my band fun.
Here is a link to my video of my biography. Check out my video and please comment below. By Anaru
Here is a link to my video of my biography. Check out my video and please comment below. By Anaru
Thursday, 22 June 2017
New uniform options Get your votes in!
Paparoa Range are looking to change our school uniform. Your vote counts. Check
out the options and information below and don't miss out on getting your voice heard. Where can I vote did we hear you say? Post a comment below or come into the office and fill in the voting form and slip in into the votes box.
out the options and information below and don't miss out on getting your voice heard. Where can I vote did we hear you say? Post a comment below or come into the office and fill in the voting form and slip in into the votes box.
Monday, 29 May 2017
What an opportunity!
Wow what a week already. Today was our Midland line Cross Country at Kumara. With a light misty rain we charged through the mud and persevered even with our feet suck in the mud! Check out the students blogs for their event review. On our travels back to school we took a slight detour to Cobden Beach to check out what had washed up!
Below is our moody photograph of the stranded boat. Check out the questions and comment your ideas below.
Below is our moody photograph of the stranded boat. Check out the questions and comment your ideas below.
How did the boat get there?
How is the boat going to get off the shore?
Who will get the boat back afloat?
Will the boat float?
What other questions do you have?
Thursday, 11 May 2017
Noah Problem Solving
Today we did some problem solving in Ruma Rima and this is some of the DLO's that people did in Ruma Rima today and also please comment down below. Zara's Problem Solving is the First and anaru's is the second one
Monday, 8 May 2017
Term Tahi Discussions!
Term Two is here and we did not post nearly enough of our amazing learning on our class blog! Below is our Discussions about our... Summer... What a summer it was, rain, wild weather and not too many bright bluebird days. We read a question in the local Messenger paper which asked the question: With the abysmal Summer New Zealand has had, should we be looking to change the School holidays till later when the weather is more settled? Check out our discussions below by clicking on the students names of each student to hear them share their discussion.
What do you think? Share your thoughts below in the comments as we would love to hear from you!
Thursday, 9 March 2017
Whitu Wiki Swimming
This wiki in Ruma Rima we had our School swimming sports. The weather sure played the game. It was like a bath! Fantastic to see students challenging themselves and giving it their all.
Saturday, 4 March 2017
Try this!
In Ruma Rima we love to solve problems, the challenge and reward. This is the problem Ruma Rima worked through this week. Try it yourself share your solutions. Photos show some of the ways we worked on the problem.
Using the numbers 1 – 9 put a different number in each circle. Arrange the numbers so that the sums of the three numbers on each side are
- all different sums
- all the same sums
- all even sums
- all odd sums
What is the biggest and smallest side sums that you can make?
Friday, 3 March 2017
Ono Wiki
Yet another busy yet successful week in Ruma Rima. We have been focusing on our next steps to progress our swimming ability at Blackball. Students have been identifying what they want to focus on and are breaking each aspect into achievable chunks.
This week we have also been learning about using watercolours in Visual Art. We have learnt that you need both paint and water on your brush but not too much water on your page as it makes puddles on our page. WE have learnt that to make a lighter colour we just add water to the paint on the page. Check out our tonal value lines below. Would love to hear your feedback on our progress so far.
Next week is School swimming sports looking forward to seeing you all there!
This week we have also been learning about using watercolours in Visual Art. We have learnt that you need both paint and water on your brush but not too much water on your page as it makes puddles on our page. WE have learnt that to make a lighter colour we just add water to the paint on the page. Check out our tonal value lines below. Would love to hear your feedback on our progress so far.
Next week is School swimming sports looking forward to seeing you all there!
Sunday, 26 February 2017
2017 Here we are
We have blast off! Welcome to 2017. In Ruma Rima we have been so busy we haven't had a chance to get blogging and sharing what we have been up to. Firstly, this year our Ruma has changed as we have welcomed in our Yr 5 learners. Now we are a mighty Ruma or Yr 5 - 8. We have amazing Tuakana (leaders) who have taken our Teina (learners) under their wings and are showing them all the tips and tricks to help them to be successful in Ruma Rima.
Last wiki two of our Tuakana Sophie and Crystal organised and ran a very successful Welcome back school picnic at Nelson Creek, which included, bush walking, swimming and crazy challenges for each year level. Well done ladies the day was wonderful, all of the effort you put into planning paid off. Check out some of our photos.
Last wiki two of our Tuakana Sophie and Crystal organised and ran a very successful Welcome back school picnic at Nelson Creek, which included, bush walking, swimming and crazy challenges for each year level. Well done ladies the day was wonderful, all of the effort you put into planning paid off. Check out some of our photos.
The mighty Ruma Rima
Yr 5/6 challenge, Nelson Creek picnic
Yr 7/8 Obstacle course challenge, Nelson Creek