Sunday, 26 February 2017

2017 Here we are

We have blast off! Welcome to 2017. In Ruma Rima we have been so busy we haven't had a chance to get blogging and sharing what we have been up to. Firstly, this year our Ruma has changed as we have welcomed in our Yr 5 learners. Now we are a mighty Ruma or Yr 5 - 8. We have amazing Tuakana (leaders) who have taken our Teina (learners) under their wings and are showing them all the tips and tricks to help them to be successful in Ruma Rima.
Last wiki two of our Tuakana Sophie and Crystal organised and ran a very successful Welcome back school picnic at Nelson Creek, which included, bush walking, swimming and crazy challenges for each year level. Well done ladies the day was wonderful, all of the effort you put into planning paid off. Check out some of our photos.
The mighty Ruma Rima

Yr 5/6 challenge, Nelson Creek picnic

Yr 7/8 Obstacle course challenge, Nelson Creek

1 comment:

  1. Hi my name is Phillip I like your blog and its nice to know that you have welcomed yr 5 maybe you could record some of the kids.


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